stay at from home
Once you are employed, you become accustomed to routine and if you lack vision in life, then you get too comfortable. Most people just want a home, something to eat and something decent to wear, others, just want a home and something to eat.The thing about money is that, once you start getting it you can be confident, in laymans language the word would be "cocky". It gives you some sort of power, this is the reality of money. For those who have a vision, don't want money, they want to create something everlasting, something that will live long after they are gone. Then the vision comes with money, and the vision makes you spot opportunities to make it true, but it takes time, and lots of it in fact to realize both.
During this state that we are sharing as a world of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, most people are out of work (quarantined) and the government is urging everyone to stay at home and work from home. Now, for those who have been employed, some even decades, have a consistent paycheck and are comfortable at the end of the month, that they are sure to have some money in their pocket, have never thought of working form home. The question most people are asking themselves is how do you work from home?
Here are a few ways to not only work but earn from home.
This is my favorite because it doesn't require the user to have any experience. I'm sure you have come across this image in many websites before you login or after registration.
This is an example of Recaptcha
Basically all that 2Captcha does is give you simple questions such as the image attached below and above,and the faster your typing/ solving speed the higher your earnings. Consider it as playing a game that pays you to play. REGISTRATION is absolutely FREE. you don't need any experience. here is a sample of the questions asked.
It doesn't require a genius to answer that. There are two types of Captchas there is the Normal captcha and Recaptcha. I recommend recaptcha it's easier and faster.
There are so many ways to earn from writing; there is blogging, digital marketing (content writing); copy writing, article writing, academic writing. Writing is one broad topic that would take weeks to cover on how it might make you wealthy.
Forex Market.
One of the largest markets in the world right now. It trades over 1trillion dollars on a daily basis, from Monday to Friday. It requires a person to invest time, commitment and dedication to learn how it operates. There are certain websites that help in learning the forex market. and, the education is free. Check out this site to learn about the Forex market. Babypips and try this platform as one of the trading platforms, Olymptrade i find it the most easiest and simplest platform to use for a beginner.
Digital marketing
This is the easiest. we spend a considerable amount of time on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. But, did you know that there was a way of earning from that time you spend on social media sites? Yes there is through ads and promotions.
We will discuss more about this later as a topic on its own to make you understand better.
Skill selling
For lack of a better word, i chose that title. You can sell your skills online. Whatever you are good at. Be it writing memes, making funny videos, being knowledgeable in a certain subject, anything that you know you are good at, you can sell online. Through sites like fever, Freelancer, Up work, Your own website showcasing your work/ portfolio. There are countless sites and ways to sell your skill online.
More on this topic.
Selling your products online and offering delivery services or areas of pickup points for your clients goods. I know some of you are wondering, what if i don't have any products? you can use sites like Amazon , Alibaba, Jumia, or even Kilimall you can even use Facebook and Instagram or YouTube to sell products that you find online. More on this also called the affiliate program.
That's it for today. Earning online is not a "get rich quick" Kind of deal. You have to be dedicated, Passionate, Persistence and committed. But once your find your passion, then everything falls into place. This article was just highlighting some of the ways to work from home. Which is ONLINE. remember "The FUTURE is ONLINE".
In the coming few weeks, we will discuss each of this in a detailed manner accompanied by YouTube videos to explain how it works.
Stay tuned.
Happy New Month of April.
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